Therapy Dogs

Therapy Dogs

Full disclosure before promoting therapy dogs in schools: I am a HUGE dog person! I take my dog to work occasionally, primarily because students and staff enjoy seeing him…but also because he is therapeutic for me. He has been a true “life saver” for me this past year.

We have a couple of schools with therapy dogs and I’ve witnessed first hand what a huge and positive influence they are. It is quite amazing. They can transform a stressful and volatile environment into a calm, welcoming one…just by being there.

We have designated $30,000 from our ESSER Grant to begin division-wide therapy dog program. I believe it will be money well spent, but if you’d like to see for yourself please stop by Auburn Middle School and visit Dude and Gus, the AMS therapy dogs.

My dog “Sutton”

10 thoughts on “Therapy Dogs

  1. This is wonderful!! I hope we can get more school’s participation in therapy animals. Focus on all mental health therapies are needed

  2. Sutton is so handsome!! I remember him as a puppy! I agree with all of your thoughts! The students deserve it and more schools should benefit from these sweet “angels” on earth.

  3. Many years ago, I interviewed at Southeastern, and the principal at the time brought his dog to school most everyday and encouraged his staff to do the same. It really lightened the dynamic in the building and was positively received by the majority of staff and students alike. I thought it was wonderful. It’s one of the reasons why I have so many critters in my classroom. Students have bad days. Sometimes they hate school (imagine?!), hate science (the nerve!), hate their life, their parents, hate me, something. My animals help them engage and find something they enjoy in the classroom. If their goal is to hold a snake by the end of the term, I will make sure they hold a snake by the end of the term. Making connections contributes to their overall success in the class.
    I have used my classroom critters and my Boston Terriers through the years to help teach elementary math (standard and non standard measurement), genetics (pedigrees, selective breeding, codominance of genetic alleles…), regeneration of nerves (axolotls the only known animal capable of nerve regeneration), and so on.
    My husband was a horse mounted police officer, and we would hold several after school classes at our elementary school to share and discuss the importance of horses. It was amazing how many children had not had exposure to a horse in a county that has a “horsey” reputation. They would be allowed to pet and ride his horse. It was an extremely popular program.
    I am a strong proponent of animal exposure to children. It helps teach them empathy, socialization, and how to care for others. Other than students with allergy issues, the majority would benefit greatly from expanding this program. Thank you for your time.

  4. I cannot tell you how much happiness Gus Dude and Cleo have brought to the students and Staff at AMS! Therapy dogs have a wonderful calming influence on upset students. They work their doggie magic on everyone!

  5. This program is wonderful! We have lots of different dogs who participate in our program at LHS- I go see them any chance I can get. Dogs are wonderful. I wish my dogs could come to work everyday with me- it would alleviate so much stress for me and my kids would love it.

  6. After my brain surgery and healing I would love to connect with those that have knowledge about the necessary training . My puppy Ace loves the kids and adults at Taylor and I would love to continue his training 🙂

    1. Hi crystal. Mrs. Boring has kept me updated re your health. God bless you! Prayers continue

      Mr. Napolitano is spearheading the program. I know he’d love to have a dog at Taylor!

  7. I am happy that Sutton has served you well over the last year. I am certain he will not miss a beat this coming year! Dogs are amazing animals that have an immense capacity to love and serve us humans.

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