*Dashboard data includes confirmed positive cases beginning September 24, 2020.
Public Reporting:
Due to HIPAA, FCPS limits public information to:
- The number of confirmed positive cases by date
- The location of the confirmed positive cases
- Restating the protocols that were followed
Employee Reporting and Notification:
We request employees self-report when they are feeling sick. When an employee notifies the school health coordinator (Pam Trude) or the director of human resources (Janelle Downes) of a presumed or positive COVID-19 result, the following actions occur:
- The school health coordinator works directly with VDH on reporting and contact tracing.
- VDH works with contacts and provides guidance with quarantine or testing protocols.
- Human Resources reaches out to the employee to request a list of employees they may have worked with.
- The Wellness Center is contacted, and appointments are set.
- The director of human resources sends an email communication to the School Board, senior staff, director of facilities, and school health coordinator. At that point, a plan is set for cleaning and communicating with staff.
- Due to HIPAA, names cannot be revealed. If individuals are fearful that they were exposed, we encourage them to contact the Wellness Center.
For complete information about notification protocols, visit https://bit.ly/FCPS1Notification.