Unearthing a Piece of History at FHS

Student discovers relic buried at Falcon Field

It started as an ordinary day in late October in Mr. Potucek’s horticulture class at Fauquier High School. Students received their assignment for the day – to help the landscape class finish the scoreboard grading at Falcon Field. Shovels in hand, the students began to dig, piling up more dirt and gravel with each scoop. Once reaching several inches in depth, one student discovered something unusual. 

“I saw something shiny and asked myself, what is that?” wondered senior Anjoli Johnston.

Johnston had discovered a 2002 lacrosse state championship ring. “I thought it was a class ring at first. I didn’t know it was a championship type,” Anjoli said.

After some research, Mr. Potucek tracked down the owner, Brice Craig, and learned the rest of the story.  

Craig, Vice President of Operations at Craig Builders in Charlottesville, responded with disbelief and shock, recalling he had never told his parents he had lost it. Craig was a former Western Albemarle lacrosse player whose team had faced off against the Falcons in 2003 on Falcon Field. Shortly after they spoke, Mr. Potucek mailed the ring to Craig, who was grateful to get it back.

When we last spoke to Anjoli, she had planned to attend Mary Washington University next year and major in environmental science. She was looking forward to taking the greenhouse management class at Fauquier this semester. 

One thought on “Unearthing a Piece of History at FHS

  • March 22, 2023 at 7:07 am

    Awesome! Keep up the good work!


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